The Expatriate Experience

Here I blog my summer '06, where I with only one week's preparation went off to a foregin land to work and live.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

...And fourth

At the library again. Yesterday a guy living in our barracs and I conceived of a plan to arrange for us Nordjobbers to get online, and hopefullt he'll have news about that when I get back. The web works just fine here at the library, but it's web only; not the rest of the net. Would be nice to get Gaim up and running again. And post the pictures I've taken...

Also found out that my pay from my jobb is for some strange reason always delayed one month. I'll have to ask them to pay up early, lest I run outta cash.

Can't do anything 'bigger' money-wise without a social security number either. Consider this Lesson One that I've learned.

Time's running out.


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