The Expatriate Experience

Here I blog my summer '06, where I with only one week's preparation went off to a foregin land to work and live.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Summer in the city

Hot town. I had to use all my tricks to stay comfortable today, even while I'm somewhat accustumed to the heat now. Though I'm beginning to suspect my skin is taking offence... Itches.

This morning when I woke up and checked my bank account it was still as empty as ever, but once I got home I found I had gotten mail from my employer. They had sent me a cheque. How quaint, I thought, but it is kinda cool to have a cheque for a large sum of money. I'll be sure to look suspicious when I cash it in at the bank tomorrow. Then... Shopping!

And in spite of a technical issue I have my job interview scheduled for Thursday. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit exited. It's only a phone interview, which might lead to an interview in person, but it's still a good step forward. If I get the job, I'll have effectively moved on to Phase Two of my Cunning Masterplan (TM), Phase Three being math ed. and Phase Four being world domination.

Provided I can get this damned can of salsa open without braking both my hands...

Signing out,


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