Monday, day of writing, for once. This afternoon I made my way to the bank to hear about being able to log into my account over the net and check if the money my parents sent my have arrived. I made sure to walk as little as possible and utilize public transporartion to the maximum extent. By the end of the day I felt damned lazy.
Turned out that the money had been registered on my account but would for some strange, strange reason not actually be usable until tomorrow.
When I tried to log on to my account at home it turned out it still wasn't able to do so. I'll have to revisit the bank and ask what's up.
I also visited the Nordjob office to fetch some mail that had arrived for me. I was going to go to the tax-office thing and clear something up about my ID but they closed before I was done with my other tasks. I have already showed them my ID so I have no idea what's holding them. When I get there I'll have to ask them to hurry up as much as possible with my papers.
Still one post with pictures coming up from last Saturday, but I haven't post-processed those yet so that will probably be a task for tomorrow, or the day after. - When you have a lot to write about you don't have a lot of time to do the writing.
One wounded-but-still-going-strong expat signs out.
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