The Expatriate Experience

Here I blog my summer '06, where I with only one week's preparation went off to a foregin land to work and live.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Catching up

Yesterday I was at the Royal Armoury to shoot some photographs of chainmail shirts to use for inspiration in my own design of a chainmail vest that I'm making. I learned how to do that on Gotland, which I visited with a Nordjobb group two weeks ago. I have lots of pictures of this trip, and I've been post-processing them a bit today. Today I have done little but work on the computer to catch up with all my online activities I've been lagging behind with. I won't be able to finish the post-processing today, but at least I'm getting somehwere. I'll probably be posting the images as Flickr sets and link to them from here.

There was a car parade yesterday too which I did a cover of, and last week I visited the Kaknäs tower and a museum with two other Nordjobbers. Got pics from that too...

This would be so muc easier if this laptop wasn't so frustratingly slow. =/



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