The Expatriate Experience

Here I blog my summer '06, where I with only one week's preparation went off to a foregin land to work and live.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Retro-vision: Sqeek!

Sqeek! The rubber feet of my laptop go; the desk is so clean. The rest of my room is equally so, but getting it in this state was no small task. I first vacuumed, then mopped and even had to take a microfiber cloth drenched in soapwater to the floor before it stopped being icky. I can finally sit down to stretch my much over-used legs. (6h + 10h of walking two days and yesterday. No kidding.) I'm gonna try my outmost to have the cost of doing this professionally deducted from my rent, since I shouldn't need to do this in the first place...

I've also began studying Japanese again. Got a library card which might be good for all libraries in Stockholm and borrowed a book and a beginners course on the language. The book says it should take about two years before I'm for example able to read a Japanese newspaper without a dictionary. Still, my main short-term goal is to be able to communicate in a Japanese web forum, which is slightly easier since one has the time to look up the words one wishes to use. That's how I learned English proper and you may judge the result on your own.
My spoken English is not at the level of my writing, but that's mainly an issue of pronounciation. I guess I'll at some point make an Expat Experience in Great Britain... and by surmission eventually in Japan aswell.

I'm learning Japanese by reading books for people who speak English, and after having learned Japanese to a decent level I plan to learn Spanish. It thus follows that I'll learn Spanish through books written for nihonphones. And end up in a Spanish speaking country at some point too.
...Provided I survive Stockholm.

It stopped raining, so I'm out to go find something edible. And inexpensive.


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